MEESty's Functions
Functions of Ministry of Energy and Environmental Sustainability (MEESty) Sarawak
1. To develop and formulate policy on energy and environmental sustainability including related laws and regulations for Sarawak;
2. To coordinate, obtain and monitor the State Cabinet/Minister's approval concerning subject matters under the jurisdiction of Ministry;
3. To explore, identify and promote potential of new economy or resources for Sarawak;
4. To coordinate, implement and monitor budget allocation under operational and development approved to the Ministry;
5. To spur and develop collaboration programmes with local and international stakeholders related to the Ministry;
6. To coordinate the preparation of input for issues involving Sarawak at national and international level related to the Ministry.
7. To coordinate and monitor programmes and activities on energy and environment of the following agencies:
- Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB)
- Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB)
- Petroleum Sarawak Berhad (PETROS)
8. To facilitate in enhancing capacity building on energy, environment and new economy.